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Today's Guest
Dawn Lester and David Parker have backgrounds in the fields of Accountancy and Electrical Engineering, respectively.

These fields both require an aptitude for logic, which proved extremely useful for their investigation that has involved more than ten years continuous research to find answers to the question: what really makes people ill?
A popular saying, which is often attributed to Albert Einstein, claims that problems cannot be solved by using the same way of thinking that created them. The concept underlying this saying can be extrapolated to indicate that a problem can often be better understood by people outside of the discipline in which it occurs because they are not bound by any dogma or biases inherent within that discipline.
The authors’ investigation of why people become ill was conducted from a different perspective from that of the medical establishment; it was therefore free from the dogma and biases inherent within ‘medical science’. This unbiased and logical approach enabled them to follow the evidence with open minds and led them to discover the flaws within the information about illness and disease that is promulgated by the medical establishment.
The results of their investigation are revealed within their book: WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL? WHY EVERYTHING YOU THOUGHT YOU KNEW ABOUT DISEASE IS WRONG.
You'll Learn
- The shocking true cause of the “Black Plague” of the Middle Ages
- What happens to Big pHarma if you take “germs” away
- What a medical “weasel word” is
- Why vegans should dodge vaccines
- The truth about “Mad Cow” disease
- Why “Typhoid Mary” never got sick
- Why you don’t actually have an “immune system”
…and much, much more.
Enjoy a massive uppercut to Germ Theory and the bogus convid narrative as two of Britain’s finest unravel esoteric health history and science to blow your mind.
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Episode Links and Resources
- Welcome To What Really Makes You Ill? — Visit David and Dawn’s website
- Book Preview – What Really Makes You Ill — Get a preview of David and Dawn’s book, What Really Makes You Ill: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease is Wrong.
- The Germ Theory: A Deadly Fallacy – What Really Makes You Ill — One of the main theories on which ‘modern medicine’ is based is the ‘germ theory’; a theory that claims microorganisms, especially bacteria and viruses, invade and infect the body, thereby causing disease. This theory, which is usually attributed to Louis Pasteur in the early 1860s, underpins a large and very significant proportion of medical practices; without it, most of modern medicine becomes redundant, which explains why the medical establishment refuses to recognise its fatal flaws. The retention of the theory is not unequivocal proof that it has been fully established and represents truth. In fact, the research we conducted for our book, What Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong, led us to discover that there is no evidence to support the assertions of the medical establishment with respect to the ‘germ theory’.
- What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong – Kindle edition by Lester, Dawn, Parker, David. Health, Fitness & Dieting Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com. — This book will explain what really makes you ill and why everything you thought you knew about disease is wrong.
Episode 11 - David Parker and Dawn Lester [00:00:00] Brendan D. Murphy: Hello, and welcome to Truthiverse with your host Brendan D [00:01:00] Murphy. We are on healthylife.net radio. And this week I have the pleasure of being joined by David Parker and Dawn Lester, who are the authors of What Really Makes You Ill. Without further ado, David and Dawn, thank you so much for joining me. I've been looking forward to chatting with you. Welcome to the show. Thank you. [00:01:35] David Parker: Thank you, Brendan. And obviously we're very happy to be here. Thank you for inviting us on. [00:01:42] Dawn Lester: Yeah. Thank you. [00:01:43] Brendan D. Murphy: It's my pleasure to have you. Let's get into this. We don't have any time to waste. So you guys have smashed out a huge tome of research called What Really Makes You Ill. [00:01:53] This is about medicine, health, germ theory. What is it that got you into this field of [00:02:00] research in the first place, guys? I'd love to know that, 'cause you're a working team. I'd also love to know how you joined forces on this battlefield? [00:02:07] David Parker: Okay. I'll keep it brief. Dawn and I've been working together for about 20 years. We've known each other for 20 years, but 10 years of that was writing this last book, you know? So it was quite a mammoth undertaking of research to make sure it was right. But, we've written a couple of books before this and the first one was about the nature of reality. So something totally different. [00:02:32] It was more a physics science book, only a little book, but we wrote under a pen name then, for various reasons, which I won't go into, we wrote under the pen name of NOR, which stands for the nature of reality, because that was the first book that we wrote. [00:02:45] And it was during the course of writing that book. It was one of the chapters that we were dealing with about reality, which was about illness. And viruses in particular. But we realized, well, we don't know a great deal about viruses, so we needed to do some [00:03:00] research. And it was during the research on viruses that we came across actually the HIV AIDS controversy. But at the time we didn't know there was a controversy, you know, we thought it was sort of done and dusted. And, yes, there was a virus caused AIDS and, you know, it was making a lot of people ill and dying, and it was a terrible thing. [00:03:19] And the media was telling us, and the health authorities were telling us that, you know, it's a dreadful pandemic, that's going to sweep the world and it's going to affect heterosexual people as well as homosexual and tens of millions will die worldwide. Obviously at the time, I mean, we're old enough to know - we were there in the eighties and it scared everyone to death, you know, we thought we're were never gonna have sex again. You know, this is awful, what's going to happen? [00:03:43] But of course, none of that came to pass, of course. And that was one of the wake up calls. We realized the media and the authorities were apt to tell you a pack of nonsense, you know? But we had to start looking into it, and that was what we first started looking into; what the [00:04:00] hell is going off with this HIV AIDS? [00:04:02] And, we spent a lot of time researching experts, spoke to a lot of people. One of which was, David Crowe, who you interviewed recently, who sadly is no longer with us. And many people within the sort of, HIV AIDS community, who were, some sufferers and some trying to find out what was going on. [00:04:21] And we went to various meetings, met people, talked to doctors and soon information started to become clear that, again, cutting a long story short, there was no virus. It had never been proved that there was a virus that caused AIDS. And it was quite easy to see when, once we'd done the research, that it was about a lifestyle in the San Francisco area. [00:04:41] Well, I won't go into details cause you've probably covered it all before, but it was quite easy to see that it was a lifestyle. I don't mean because these were homosexual men. It's nothing to do with that sort of lifestyle. It was to do with recreational drug use and heavy use of antibiotics and then eventually, them being [00:05:00] treated with AZT, which actually started as a chemotherapy drug, but is highly toxic. [00:05:05] And as we found, at the dose rate that people were being given, it killed everyone. I mean, everyone died who was given those initial doses, which the authorities tended to keep quiet about. But the information is there. So they then started to reduce the dose, obviously, but that just meant that people lived a bit longer before they died. [00:05:25] So, that was our wake up call that, things are not as they should be within the medical field. We were shocked, absolutely shocked by it. So, that's what kicked us off with we thought, we need to look into this and, if they can be so wrong about HIV AIDS, then what else are they wrong about? [00:05:44] And, the rabbit hole just got deeper and deeper. And, well, we had no idea it was going to take 10 years to really put all the information together. Dawn and I both have technical backgrounds, which are not in the medical establishment, but, as we [00:06:00] found, because we have technical backgrounds or minds in electrical engineering, we know how to follow the evidence. We knew how to be precise, follow the details and search out the evidence, take nothing for granted, and double check, triple check, any information we found. You know, not single source anything. [00:06:16] And that was the criteria we used. And unlike doctors, we've talked to a number of them about their medical training, and they admit that, they have to learn by rote if you like. That, whatever the curriculum is for the five years, four or five years they spend, they don't really get to question it. [00:06:37] So if they're told, well, this virus causes that disease, that bacteria causes that disease. And if people have got that, this is the medicine that you give them. And they're not allowed to question it - not if they want to pass the exam - so they just take it on board that that's all been researched for them beforehand. [00:06:56] And that everything they're told is true. And of course we believe [00:07:00] that too, whereas everyone does, because that's what we taught in school. Vaccinations are good. Doctors know what they're doing. It's all based on science. And as we say, nothing could be further from the truth. And the more we looked into it, the more we realized we had to go right back to square one, right back to the germ theory, Louise Pasteur, and find out where this came from. And, was it true? [00:07:22] And, we found out, no. I mean, it's still called the germ theory. i.e. theory, unproven. And it is unproven and still to this today, but it's the keystone of the whole medical establishment. So once you take the germ theory away from them, they've got nothing. [00:07:37] And of course there's such big money in it now with the pharmaceutical companies, they make billions every year with not only the medicines, but the vaccinations that they put out. So there's, you know, big money behind this and that's why it's difficult to break through to get the truth out there. [00:07:54] And as we found, the pharmaceutical companies either own wholly [00:08:00] or substantially the medical training schools, and they employ the lecturers that are in those training schools. So you can see how this becomes a self perpetuating, well, it's not science, it's just dogma. [00:08:15] You can see how it all works. And of course, the people behind the big pharmaceutical companies and we're going to end up getting into more politics now, but, you know, there is a cabal of people that really run the world. [00:08:29] I think probably you've talked about this on some of your shows. You know, it's one of these large families, whether it's the Rockefellers or the Rothschilds and others, hugely wealthy families who own the entire banking system. I'm talking about the central banks now, Federal Reserve and the Bank of England and others. [00:08:47] And so they control companies, and they control countries. And so they own the media so they can control what people get to hear about anything. And of course, they control the medical education of [00:09:00] doctors. [00:09:00] So we, weren't trying to say that all doctors are evil people and they're just lying to the public. They're just doing what they're trained, you know, they're just doing what they're trained to do. And, many doctors are as shocked as anyone else when someone like us comes along and says, well, have a look at this, you know, where's the proof that this virus, any virus, is the cause of the disease? [00:09:22] And, as you probably know, there's one or two doctors are actually speaking out now, about it, you know, Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman and in the UK, there's a Dr. Adil, who's a pediatric surgeon. But of course they, in Dr. Adil's case in the UK he's the only, you know, and he's been a surgeon in the NHS for over 30 years. [00:09:43] So he's a well qualified, man. He knows that this coronavirus thing is a load of nonsense and all these, social measures that they're taking. And he's spoken out about it and was immediately suspended from practicing, of course. Cause that's what they do when someone says, "Oh, hold on [00:10:00] a minute. There's a problem here," is they get jumped off from a great height, which discourages everyone else of course, from saying anything. [00:10:07] Everyone wants to examine their wallets and their lifestyle and big cars, and all the rest of it. And there's a certain amount of understanding with that. I can understand to a certain extent. But the situation is so serious now because of the whole world really has been shut down and it's causing terrible problems all based on which is a lie. [00:10:29] And I'm sure that these doctors around the world, if they got together en masse or just even large numbers of them and demanded the truth of the governments. And said to them, simple question, "Where's the proof? Where are the peer-reviewed papers that prove this particular virus is the actual cause of the disease that you're telling us it causes?" [00:10:58] There's [00:11:00] just three fundamental stages to go through to prove something like this. You know, first they have to purify the so called virus. And then have to fully categorize it and list its DNA and its full makeup. But then they have to take that purified virus - and this is the tricky bit - they introduce it to a healthy person and that person should develop the disease. [00:11:26] And they've never done any of that. Now people will say, "Oh yes, but we've seen some papers on the internet that say the virus has been isolated." When you look at those papers and doctors have as well as us, that's not true. We found out there's what we call "weasel words", the medical establishment views, which don't mean the same as what we think they mean. [00:11:48] So when they say isolated, when you look at what they've actually done, they haven't isolated anything at all. They've got a bit of a concoction in a test tube, but it's a mixture of various bits and pieces. It's [00:12:00] not the isolated virus, it's not a purified virus, which should be only the virus particle. And they have never done that - for any virus, which is what we found, they've never done it for any virus. And they've never done the other two stages either. So again, we say there is no proof that any virus causes any disease and that includes this coronavirus. [00:12:23] So having seen that there is no proof for it. People quite rightly say, "Well, so what's going on?" Well, it's quite obvious there's another agenda behind this. And, particularly with all the social control measures that they have been putting down with social distancing and wearing masks and not seeing your relatives or you can't see them for more than 15 minutes. All of those things can be taken apart and have been taken apart, not only by us, but by other scientists and doctors and are shown to be complete nonsense. [00:12:57] Even if a virus did exist, you know, the [00:13:00] masks in particular, you know, it's easy to see that the mesh size of the masks are measured in micrometres and viral particles are measured in nanometers. And a nanometer is a thousand times smaller than a micrometer. So even if there were some viruses floating around, they go straight through the mask anyway. [00:13:19] And as someone pointed out, they're so tiny, they could go in through your eyes, they can enter into the bloodstream through your eyes. So the masks are complete nonsense, even if there was a virus around - which there isn't. So we always say, look, let's, let's go back to first stages and let's see if anyone can prove that the virus actually exists. And unless you can then just forget about everything else, forget about your social distances, mask wearing, because if there's no virus provable, then what are we doing? And we've done all that. And others have done all that, other doctors as well have done this. [00:13:56] But of course the mainstream media is in this sort of [00:14:00] vice-like grip of this cabal that I mentioned earlier, who do have this hidden agenda. Which I'm sure many of your listeners know, it's for a one world government, you know, this is their dream. A one world government so there'll be no sovereign nations there'll be no individual governments. There'll be just one government, unelected, and it will be them, of course, so that they have complete control of all countries, all resources and all the people. Which is the sort of scary thing, because they believe as well, as I'm sure you know, that there are far too many people in the world, you know, I'm thinking of the Georgia stones that people will know about where it says they want 500 million. So what's that about a 98% reduction in the world population, you know, scary stuff if that's really what they plan to do. [00:14:49] Some people have suggested, maybe one of the ways they're going to do this is with this new vaccine, which is going to be coming down the line. Purportedly to protect us all [00:15:00] against coronavirus. But in our book obviously, we dismantle the whole vaccine nonsense as well, right back from when it was it's first inception, right up to present day. [00:15:11] And again, looking at the science and, there is again, no evidence that vaccines of any sort, confer immunity. But there's lots of evidence that shows that they caused a lot of harm. [00:15:27] So there's no reason to suspect that any new vaccine is going to be any different. I know there are certain people that campaign for what they call "safe vaccines", but there is actually no such thing. And when you look at the additives, or as they like to call them, adjuvants, that they put into vaccines, it's unsurprising that they cause harm. [00:15:49] You know, you've got mercury, and aluminium, and formaldehyde and, well actually interesting, with the vegans, because all vaccines [00:16:00] have got a serum and that's a blood serum, which is taken from cattle. So if you're vegan, then you should have, at least on ethical grounds, an objection to any vaccine. Because no vegan wants animal products in their bodies. They don't eat them. [00:16:15] And they certainly don't want them injected into their bloodstream. So, something probably many people are not aware of. They should be able to object to it on that. And ordinary people might want to object to it as well. And it's a pretty disgusting thing to be injecting all that nonsense into people's bloodstreams. [00:16:35] So we investigated that and I think it's worth saying that our research, what we did because it's so difficult now with the internet to research anything of any importance. And certainly over this last six months, I think anyone who uses the internet for research, will realize that the censorship has become more intense so that if you're using the normal search engines, you'll never get to the truth about anything. [00:17:00] You'll only ever get the mainstream view of things. So unless you know specifically where to look or who to look at, or what books to find, or what papers to find, you'll never get to the truth. So it's become even more difficult now. [00:17:15] Unfortunately, there are some pundits out there, who are doing an hour or two's research on the internet and coming up with some nonsense from somewhere. [00:17:25] And, and then assuming that all the doctors and scientists, say that we quote, over the last 150 years, and all the publications and books that they've written over the last 150 years too, which backs up what we say. And that they're all referenced in our book. There's 40 pages of references in our book. But these people who just look at an hour or two on the internet think that they can just rubbish all that and go, well, you know, there's a paper here that says, you know, everything you say is untrue. And I say, well, we'll put out 10 years of solid research against you, two hours on the [00:18:00] internet. And, let's see where we go. [00:18:06] Dawn Lester: The thing is that we've asked questions, or we kept asking ourselves questions because of the way we approached the book of, okay, well, if HIV doesn't cause anything, if there isn't a virus for that, what about this disease? What about that? What if? How about that? [00:18:23] So we just kept asking the questions and even looked at animal diseases. So, how does this work for animal diseases supposed to be caused by viruses? So we just kept digging and asking questions. But because we don't have the kind of medical dogma behind us, we are able to ask questions that probably doctors wouldn't necessarily think of because they're just taught in a certain way. [00:18:49] They've got that information behind them that they feel is justified by decades of research and science. But we weren't hampered by that. So we could just keep asking [00:19:00] questions and keep looking for something that supported the medical establishment view. [00:19:06] And what amazed us is that, if you look carefully enough, at enough of the information that they put out, they actually contradict themselves. And that's one of the things that we highlight that, this document says that, and here's another document or study paper that says something different. Some of the claims are that the medical establishment knows X, Y, Z, they put forth the information as if it's known solid. And then in a study paper that's two or three years old, they say, well, there's still a lot that's unknown or there are knowledge gaps, or further studies required on this particular subject. So, you know, they don't know everything. And what they're putting out is not based on absolutely 100% solid, evidence based, science. [00:19:59] And [00:20:00] so, that helps us to really say, hang on, there really is something not quite right. We just kept asking questions, kept digging, kept looking and that's really what we've put together. it's not just about ggerm theory. We even cover chronic diseases, so non-infectious, well, so called noninfectious diseases. [00:20:20] So, it kept us digging and researching and asking and looking and... [00:20:29] David Parker: We tested our hypothesis constantly, and we even went back in history, for anyone who's got the bull, we went back in history and looked at things, cause we often get asked about it, the Black Death, you know, that sort of swept the world. [00:20:46] We thought, "Ahhh," so again with our usual, what if? , what happened there then? You know, this was supposed to be a deadly disease spread by rat fleas. This is what we were taught at school, you know, spread by rat fleas. It sort of swept through Europe, [00:21:00] certainly and killed millions of people, millions of people. [00:21:03] So, let's have a look [00:22:00] at [00:23:00] that. Because [00:24:00] we wanted to test the hypothesis, our hypothesis that was becoming apparent to us, that germs of any description don't cause disease. So, we wanted to see if we could catch ourselves out, if you like. And look at the most bizarre things in any period of history, whether it was in animals or humans. [00:24:30] So yeah, one of the things we looked at was the Black Death, because that's way back in history, it's supposed to have killed millions. And as we were taught in school, spread by infected rat fleas. So, we looked at that, and again, quite a lot of research went into that. So I won't bore everyone with all the details, but the interesting points that we found, we found that there was a professor in an Irish university, called Professor Mike Bailey, who was a dendrochronologist. And so he studied tree [00:25:00] rings. And, he, because trees live very long lives. Some trees live thousands of years. So he was able to go back in time and look at various tree rings from around the world back to the time of the Black Death to see what was going on or what the atmosphere was like. And he found that the tree rings all of them corroborated that there was an extremely... in that period, an extremely toxic atmosphere. [00:25:27] I mean really toxic, you know, high levels of ammonia and various other toxic gases. We'll talk about where they might have come from in a minute. But, the atmosphere was so poisonous, that it was killing people, people were dropping down dead in the street. These are from eyewitness accounts. He looked at the eyewitness accounts of people who were actually living at that time. [00:25:48] So it wasn't like we think of as normal illness, you know, there's a, you start to feel a bit unwell, there's an incubation period, you get worse and then you either get better or you die. But people were just [00:26:00] dropping down dead in the street, you know, they're okay one minute and then died. But there's also reports that the atmosphere was really thick and stinking and choking. [00:26:10] You know, these are eyewitness reports and again, eye witness reports that the rivers and lakes had become toxic and shoals of fish were floating to the surface dead. But of course, none of these things fit in with rat fleas, particularly fish, fish in lakes and rivers. So, you know, we thought, ok we're onto something here, there's something far more going on and he thought the same. [00:26:36] And he carried on his research and he started to correlate tree rings with ice core samples, to see what they said about the atmosphere. And sure enough, they correlated that the atmosphere had become extremely toxic for some reason. So again, kind of long story short looked at what was going off around, and there was a high incidence of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and even, a [00:27:00] comet passing in close in the Earth's atmosphere. [00:27:04] All of these things coincided and all of them, as we know, when you get the earth opening up with volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, all sorts of gases and noxious materials get released. So a combination of all these things at this particular time is a much more likely cause of this heavily toxic atmosphere, that was actually causing people to die in such a widespread area very quickly. [00:27:29] It's quite obvious that none of that could be anything to do with rat fleas. And because the rat fleas were also supposed to kill the rats, present day archaeologists have searched, particularly in London in excavations that they've done to see whether there had been lots of die offs of rats, you know, they would have expected to be able to find clusters of dead rats in large numbers, and they're not there. [00:27:58] So again, [00:28:00] the whole story of infected rat fleas starts to look more of a nonsense. And the much more plausible reasons are this toxic atmosphere, which is supported by ice cores, tree rings, and eye witness accounts. So we do talk about all that in our book. [00:28:18] So that was quite a big change to history, from what we'd been taught. We also looked at animal diseases to see whether our sort of theories held true with, well, what makes animals ill then? You know, if it's looking more and more like it's nothing to do with germs that make a human ill. So what is it that makes animals ill? [00:28:39] And in the UK, people may remember some years ago where we had a big thing with what became known as mad cow disease. And, there was tens of thousands of cattle slaughtered because they were supposed to be infected by something which seemingly only affected the UK for some mysterious reason. [00:29:00] And the government was slaughtering peoples' herds all over the place. [00:29:05] Anyway, we decided to look into that and see if there was some other reason, other than a germ, to see what could be causing this. Again, cutting a long story short, we found that the ministry in the UK, one of the rules that they put forward, was for farmers dipping their cattle in a particular substance, which was supposed to protect them from warble fly. [00:29:30] Okay. Which apparently sort of bores into the hides of cows and, doesn't kill the cow or anything, but it makes their hides less valuable if it's got holes in it. Okay. So that's where it started. So they decided that farmers had to dip their cattle in this cow dip which, when we looked at actually it was organophosphates. [00:29:53] But it was not so much just that it was organophosphates, but it was the strength of the organophosphates, which was [00:30:00] at least four times stronger than used anywhere else in the world. Well, these organophosphates are a neurotoxin and because it was all spread all over the spinal cord of the cows, it was penetrating into the skin and into the nervous system. [00:30:17] And apparently the cows looked like they'd gone mad because they were totally out of control and it would kill them. But of course the ministry and government wouldn't want to admit that actually it's all their fault. So it had to be a germ of course of some sort, and then they had to kill all these peoples' cattle to prevent the germs spreading elsewhere. [00:30:38] But again, complete load of nonsense, not substantiated by the mainstream view of things and certainly nothing to do with a germ. It was due to chemical poisoning of the cattle. Pure and simple. [00:30:52] And we looked at others, you know, whether it was Myxomatosis in rabbits, but wherever we went, and these are all described in detail in the book - so [00:31:00] I won't bore everyone with them now - but I'm trying to give the impression that we look far and wide. Not only in all the different diseases that so-called humans are affected with, but animals as well, both in past history and present day. To see whether the same theory out there that has nothing to do with germs to see whether it held up. And it did. [00:31:22] You know, at no time, did we find any instance where a germ of some sort could be blamed and proved? Well, I won't say "blamed" cause the medical establishment always blame a germ. [00:31:32] Brendan D. Murphy: You can blame them whenever it suits you. [00:31:34] David Parker: Well, they couldn't prove it. And that's the important thing. No way could they prove it. And that's exactly the same today. [00:31:46] I'd like to just illustrate how the medical establishment has not improved at all, even though they have much more technology now, but their basic concepts have not improved at all. [00:32:00] [00:32:00] On the back of our book, we give a quote from Voltaire. He was sort of operating in the 1700s, so we're going back a good few hundred years. And he said, very intelligent man, Voltaire. He said, "Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings for [00:33:00] whom [00:34:00] they know nothing." [00:35:47] [00:35:00] And the tale of - and people could look this up, maybe they can still find it on the internet - of Typhoid Mary. Okay. Now this is quite an interesting story and we're looking now at [00:36:00] 1907, when in New York, America, typhoid was still around and there was a typhoid outbreak at the time. And this unfortunate lady who was a sort of a housekeeper in the houses at that time, Part of her job made her where she sort of came into contact with people who had typhoid. [00:36:22] Okay. But she never got it. She never became ill. So the authorities, the medical authorities and the legal system decided there must be something peculiar about her because she wasn't becoming ill. So they sort of invented the idea that people can be carriers of a disease, but not actually be ill themselves. [00:36:42] And so this poor, unfortunate Typhoid Mary, they decided that she was obviously a public menace because she was healthy and they put her in prison. Well, they put her in a special hospital. Basically it was a prison cause she was in solitary confinement and that was it, for being healthy. [00:37:00] [00:37:00] But they kept her there for the rest of her life, which was another 30 years and she died there. So we're looking at coming right up to about 1940. So, we're still within living memory and yet the medical establishment's got this poor unfortunate woman locked away in solitary confinement because she was healthy. [00:37:23] Okay, bear that in mind, as we jump ahead to today, the present times and what are the medical establishment doing? And the authorities they're isolating healthy people in their homes. So we've got healthy people, no signs of any illness, but now you've got to be isolated in your home. Okay. So you're not going into a prison or some isolation ward. But they're isolating healthy people all around the world. So I just wanted people to think about that, and that's over a period from 1700 to the 21st century. And they're still doing the same stupid things with the same stupid unscientific reasons. [00:38:02] [00:38:00] Dawn Lester: They just give them the label of asymptomatic carrier. I think it was David Crowe who actually gave the best definition of asymptomatic carrier, and said, well, that's a healthy person. You know, even if they'd had a test which showed positive and apparently means that they've, well, people believe that it means that they've got a virus or bacteria, but it isn't because the tests don't actually detect the presence of a virus. [00:38:33] It's only the presence of antibodies and the antibodies are said or claimed - antibodies are just proteins, but they're claimed to be specific to the virus. But unless the virus has been isolated and purified in the first place, which they haven't, then how can they say that a particular protein is specific to a particular virus? [00:38:54] I mean, this, again goes back to the HIV thing that certain proteins were claimed [00:39:00] to be specific to the HIV, well, to the virus. And many people, I think Dr. Henry Bauer was one of many who said that those particular proteins are not relevant to HIV, or they're not specific to HIV, they're not even specific to disease. [00:39:18] So they're finding proteins thinking they're specific to some kind of ill health condition, but they're not. Some of them are just naturally in the body. Which again, ties back to the Voltaire quote that, well, I say doctors, but the medical system doesn't understand the living human body. [00:39:37] They think they understand parts of the body, but they are looking at bits and pieces, mainly extracts and dead tissues or whatever, or sometimes living tissues, but whatever they're looking at is not in its natural environment. In other words, in a living intact human organism. [00:39:57] And there are plenty of scientists that are now [00:40:00] recognizing that what's seen in these laboratory experiments, they are of little relevance to the actual actions within a living human body. So again, this is where Voltaire's quote is still relevant. [00:40:15] I mean, there is some information that they know about certain things through their technology. They know more details about anatomy. They know more about, the bits and pieces of the human body, but rarely if ever is it studied as a whole organism. [00:40:36] David Parker: They don't understand that the body is a self-regulating organism, as Dawn has said, they just don't understand that. Again, as Voltaire knew all those centuries ago. They don't even understand what they call immunity. And I think it may be worth just mentioning something about that as well, because there's lots of talk about the body's immune system, and [00:41:00] that if you take this it'll boost your immune system. And the whole basis of vaccination of course, is based on a vaccine can boost your immune system. Well, the body, and this may be surprising to people, it was to us when we came across it, the body it - doesn't actually have an immune system. [00:41:16] It has a health system. That's not the same thing. There's nothing that you can actually do to the body that will, sort of boost its system up in the way that they think a vaccine can. The body just doesn't work like that. It has a health system, which we can go into as to how you have a health system. And that's based on the stuff that you put in and on it, in particular, nutrients. We can talk about food and the necessity of nutrients, if you wish. [00:41:48] But, that's just another example of how the medical system does not understand what the human body is. So again, Voltaire was absolutely correct, and their nonsense that they put [00:42:00] out is obviously having very dire consequences now. [00:42:16] Brendan D. Murphy: The most enabling dogma is this germ theory; the most enabling of fascism and medical fascism, medical tyranny is this idea that there are these things flying around out there. So called viruses that, if they get into us, we're going to be in deep trouble and we've got to take all these precautions and measures against them. And yet, as you say, and as my studies in this subject confirm, no one's ever proved any of this stuff whatsoever. I mean, not a thread of it. And this field is marred. Virology is marred from the beginning with junk fraudulent science. [00:42:50] And you know, you go back to AIDS, as you guys have done. Robert Gallo's fraudulent papers are still cited all around the world. They're among the most cited papers on the planet. And it's fraud, [00:43:00] it's garbage, and it was proven as fraud through five separate investigations. And, we're still pointing people, students, med students, to this stuff going, "This is the proof that HIV virus caused AIDS." [00:43:11] No, he made it up. It's a lie. I'll get off my soap box for a second. [00:43:44] David [00:44:00] Parker: We've talked [00:46:00] [00:45:00] a lot about viruses, of course. But we've not talked much about bacteria, which are worth talking about because, unlike viruses... I don't even like to use the name because it's such a loaded term. Everyone thinks that there's these little live things that are circulating around through the air and people's blood, and then they're attacking people. [00:46:37] Well, let me just disabuse people of that, you know, these particles, even by their own admission, the medical system has to admit they are not alive. You know, they are just particles, which are found in the blood and extremely tiny. We can talk about what they actually are, but they have to admit they're not alive. So how they can attribute so much to something [00:47:00] that's not alive, has never been alive, is beyond me. [00:47:04] But bacteria, all living things and, there's trillions of them in the human body and on the human body and everywhere. And they're very necessary for life. Without them, there'd be no life on earth, you know? [00:47:19] But they're there for a very good reason in the human body as the same in nature; they're there to take care of decomposition to put it in simple terms. And they're in the human body, the cleanup system, the true cleanup system for dead and decaying matter, particles. Human cells, sort of disintegrate, die and disintegrate in their hundreds of thousands, probably millions every day. And this is part of the normal process. [00:47:50] Now, obviously those cells, cellular debris has got to be cleared out of the body, and this is the job of bacteria within the blood. And this is what they [00:48:00] do. They eat up and clear that out of the body. Now going back to the first mistake that they made back in Pasteur's day with the optical microscope, when they were trying to decide how illness came around, what made people ill and with the optical microscopes in the day, they could see bacteria in the blood. [00:48:22] And whenever they saw dead and dying tissue in a diseased body, they would see bacteria clustered around that dead and dying tissue. And they made the fundamental mistake of thinking, well, it's the bacteria that's caused that. They didn't realize that no, they are doing their job, which is clearing it up and digesting this dead and dying tissue the same way they do in nature, the same way as they do doing sewage plants around the world, the same way as they do with oil spills in the ocean. [00:48:51] They use bacteria to break it down, that's their job and they're very good at it. But no, they got blamed for actually causing the disease. And [00:49:00] that's all part of the germ theory today. And, the medical establishment, the pharmaceutical companies have jumped on that bandwagon and offer all sorts of lotions and potions to kill bacteria. [00:49:12] So I just wanted to make that point clear, really, about bacteria, that they're actually the friend of the body and it's necessary that they're there. They don't cause disease. And without them, we'd be dead. Even within our stomach, I mean, someone had estimated there's something like a pound and a half of bacteria in our guts, you know, which aids with the digestion. Without it, we wouldn't be able to digest our food. So they're extremely important. And, not the causes of disease. [00:49:40] Dawn Lester: The reason they're found on diseased tissue is because of that actual purpose in the body. And that's why there are more of them found in diseased tissues, but the other thing is, the interesting part is, you know, the pleomorphic nature of bacteria, which is why you see what is [00:50:00] seen as different forms of bacteria. [00:50:02] But that's only because they are transforming into different forms depending on the actual environment. So they change their form according to the environment they're in. That's why you'll see certain bacteria in certain types of diseased tissue. And one of the reasons for the increase in bacteria in diseased tissues is not that the bacteria caused it. They're the cleanup agents, as David said. [00:50:27] But the cause of the diseased tissue is due to some kind of toxin or non-nutritious foods or those sorts of things. So, tissues are poisoned if you like, by either chemicals or electromagnetic fields and those sorts of things. So the tissue or the cells are diseased because of an external factor. And it's the bacteria that help to clear that away. So that's why sometimes there are more dead and dying cells in the body. So that's why there's a kind of an increase [00:51:00] of bacteria at a particular site. It's logical when you... You know, it makes sense when you look at it that way. [00:51:08] David Parker: I mean, we've, we've used the analogy and I know others have too. Blaming bacteria for causing the disease because you see them clustered around dying cells is the same as blaming fireman for causing house fires. Because whenever you see a house fire, there's a lot of firemen around it. You know, the analogy holds true, you know, you're blaming the wrong people, folks. [00:51:27] Brendan D. Murphy: That's right. What caused the house fire? [00:51:30] David Parker: Yeah, but of course, it's the medical establishment and particularly the pharmaceutical companies, the whole basis of their huge amounts of money that they make is all based on keeping that theory going. As I say, because without it, they have nothing. And, you know, our book shows that quite clearly, and that's why it's so big. We've looked at so many cases to show that that's the case. [00:51:55] And then of course, we show the reasons as to why this [00:52:00] has come about, not only through the lack of proper education for doctors, but the indoctrination of the whole public, really, to believe in the medical establishment. And not least of which is the huge sums of money that are invested in keeping this false paradigm going and it all knits together. [00:52:19] And why we're in the sad state that we're in today in the world with the biggest lie they've ever perpetrated on the world public with this fictitious virus. [00:52:32] And, it's unfortunate that there are some people out there now who really ought to know better. So-called professionals that are speaking. I'm thinking particularly of Judy Mikovits in this particular instance, who is a virologist. Now, you know, virology is, as Dr. Stefan Lanka said, you know, it's a redundant, defunct science. There's no science to it at all. And why [00:53:00] he refuses to be called a virologist anymore, even though he was trained to be one. [00:53:03] But Judy Mikovits is still a virologist. Now we sort of get mixed messages from her on a world stage because she's on the one hand saying viruses exist and cause illness, cause that's her job. But she's saying that the coronavirus doesn't exist, which is quite a strange place for her to be in really. So it's mixed messages coming out, which is totally confusing. [00:53:28] And we've got another Irish lady and think her name is Dolores Cahill. Dolores Cahill, who's certainly on the world stage over in the UK, Ireland and UK. And now she's a biologist. I think she's a professor. Now, again, she still believes in viruses and germs basically. But is saying that she believes in the coronavirus, but that it's not actually dangerous. [00:53:57] So, and this is what she's putting out. So you [00:54:00] see, you can understand why the general public gets so confused when you've got mainstream speakers like this who are getting airplay, going to rallies and giving out these mixed messages. So people don't know where they are. And it's really bad news. [00:54:15] Brendan D. Murphy: It is. And it's sort of funny in a way. These professionals, they seem to be the most confused people out of everybody somehow. And certainly they're the last to find out. When the paradigm changes they'll be standing there all alone and wondering where everybody's gone. [00:54:49] Unfortunately, we're [00:55:00] gonna have [00:57:00] [00:56:00] to wrap it up in a super powered one-minute closing session guys. Firstly, thank you for taking the time to talk to me. [00:57:19] It's been a really, really interesting talk and I know that you've done amazing, very comprehensive research into the history and the science of disease and health. So with that said, let's let people know of maybe your concluding thoughts or takeaway message in about 45 to 60 seconds and also where they can find your book and follow your work. [00:57:40] David Parker: Okay, I'll be very brief. Obviously, go to our website. That's whatreallymakesyouill.com. Lots of information on there and videos, interviews that we've done, various articles that we've put up there. So a lot of free stuff. Obviously we hope people will buy our book. It's available worldwide through Amazon and most [00:58:00] online booksellers. [00:58:01] You can get a Kindle version of it. So if they don't want to buy the book, which is quite a tome, you can get a Kindle version, which is obviously a lot cheaper, but all the same information. So we do urge people to look at that, look at our website and realize that you don't need all these lotions and potions and vaccinations, certainly. [00:58:22] And that having a healthy body is very easy. There are a few rules that are quite strict about what you eat, what you eat, put in and on your body and what you expose yourself to - from chemicals and electromagnetic radiation and excessive stress, which of course, people are under at the moment. [00:58:40] So, we explain all this in the book. So do look at it. Take back your power and in particular, take back your health. It's very easy, but you need to do it. Okay. [00:58:50] Brendan D. Murphy: Thank you so much, guys. It's been great having you here, and I think we'll have to have you back for another session because it was just not long enough. [00:58:57] So with that said, thank you, ladies and gents, for listening [00:59:00] to this episode of Truthiverse with David Parker and Dawn Lester. I've been your host, Brendan D Murphy on healthylife.net radio. I'll see you next episode. [01:00:00]
About the Truthiverse Podcast
Join Freedom Hacker, Truth Addict, and acclaimed author of ‘The Grand Illusion’ books as he cuts through the B.S. to get to the truth – whatever it may be.
Brendan and his guests uncover the mysteries of spirituality, geopolitics, health, medicine, freedom, personal development, exopolitics, the paranormal, and more.
No dogmas. No holds barred. Nothing off limits. You’ll need an open mind and your grown-up pants.

YOUR HOST: Brendan D. Murphy
Author of critically acclaimed “masterpiece” The Grand Illusion, and co-founder of Trooth network (the Fedbook alternative for truth-seekers and truth-speakers) – where free speech lives.
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