The Grand Illusion: A Synthesis Of Science And Spirituality (Paperback)


The Grand Illusion (TGI) synthesizes the paranormal with today’s hard science, offering to empower humanity and provide an intelligent new direction for our civilisation to move in—with us as mature beings possessing real self-knowledge.

The materialist view of a human as a powerless little “meat computer” destined for total annihilation at life’s biological end is destroyed by the material within, and the foundation for a new scientifically-based “spiritual” paradigm is laid.

Are you ready to meet yourself and encounter the Real?

Brendan D. Murphy’s The Grand Illusion (TGI) synthesizes the paranormal with today’s hard science, offering to empower humanity and provide an intelligent new direction for our civilisation to move in—with us as mature beings possessing real self-knowledge.

The materialist view of a human as a powerless little “meat computer” destined for total annihilation at life’s biological end is destroyed by the material within, and the foundation for a new scientifically-based “spiritual” paradigm is laid.

Herein the mystical and occult are de-mystified and grounded in modern knowledge with a scope and depth rarely seen. New and expansive vistas of possibility are laid bare; the forces and energies harnessed by our consciousness that act on the world around us are blown open for your understanding.

Did you know that modern neuroscience considers the brain as a receiver of consciousness rather than the generator of it? Where and what is it “receiving” from? What does it look like when consciousness interacts with our tangible world in measurable ways?

Get ready to meet the mysterious “fifth force” known to science—a virtually unshieldable “carrier wave” of consciousness that abounds in nature and can travel at speeds far exceeding light. Get ready to go “next level” on multiple counts.

With the knowledge that we are infinite spiritual beings temporarily inhabiting a dream-like, multidimensional, holographic reality, we can indeed begin to turn life on this planet—which, for many, is a virtual nightmare—into The Grand Illusion.

Are you ready to meet yourself and encounter the Real?

A masterpiece. If The Grand Illusion were merely paradigm destroying, which it certainly is for rearguard scientific ‘Funda-materialists,’ it would be a satisfying read. Fortunately, for those of us dedicated to establishing a new civilization of consciousness, Brendan Murphy’s fascinating, inspiring and seminal work also opens the door to a world of new creative possibilities…The Grand Illusion is mind-blowing.”

Sol Luckman, author of Potentiate Your DNA

Truly amazing. This is the book that all of us with highly developed psychic abilities have been longing for. Brendan methodically deals with each aspect of the paranormal and validates them all with extensive references to scientific research through the ages…He sets out to take the “para” out of paranormal and succeeds. A work of absolute genius and an essential reference book for anyone interested in the science of the (para)normal.

This is a truly mind-stretching work. You will never look on this world through the same old eyes ever again. With the help of this book, we can break free of our false conceptions and liberate our souls. This book should be gifted by all world Governments as a manual of life to all children born into this world to educate them as to what “life” on this “planet” really is about.”

Roderick Shelton

Brendan’s incredibly thorough review of the literature as well as his ability to clearly articulate and integrate a wide range of esoteric and scientific concepts is like nothing I have ever seen or read before. He is brilliant to say the least…I HIGHLY recommend this book for all scientists…and anyone who knows there is a way to connect our entire historical knowledge base to an integrated whole…but feels overwhelmed in attempting to put the puzzle together. Brendan has done it for us.”

Lisa Schwarz, Comprehensive Resource Model developer


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